Saturday, May 18, 2013

Family Culture

If a major catastrophe devastated my country and I had to leave I would bring my bible, family photo album, and music. The bible would be important because it is a source of inspiration and strength for building my faith. Family photo would be essential because of the connection and memories it holds for the important people in my close knit immediate and extended family that have always been a major part of my life. Growing up music and singing was a huge part of our interactional pastime and it remains significant part of me today. It is very stimulating; moves and evokes various emotions from me.
I am sure feelings of hurt and sadness would be present at the prospect of leaving the other items behind that were dear to me. I would see this as unjust and disregarding a part of my life.
Insights about myself
My Christian faith and looking out for each other is and has been important to our family culture. My grandmother took us to Sunday school and church every Sunday and shared family history. As an adult I found myself doing the same with my daughters.
Insights about family culture
It was interesting reflecting on the impact of family culture during my childhood remaining equally as important as an adult. All of the chosen items were major components of my life as a child. It gave a deeper understanding concerning how cultures of children and their families go deep and is extremely critical in making them who they are. Therefore we have to go beyond “surface culture” in our working with children and families.


  1. Audrey,
    Wow, this is the second blog I've responded to where two out of the three items were similiar. The Bible and pictures; music is a good one, I didn't think of that one and I love music. My family is the same way with our Faith, we are heavily involved in our church. It extremely defines who you are, as we grow up things change and we change, but one thing never should change and that is our family. Thank you for sharing


  2. I too found that my family culture during childhood was just as important as my family culture as an adult. I realized that I wanted my daughters to learn and carry on the important and positive things of my childhood culture. I agree that family culture goes deep and that it makes people who they are. It is their identity. I agree that we need to take the time to understand children and families' cultures so we can serve them.
