Saturday, March 1, 2014

Time Well Spent

"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world."
― Nelson Mandela

When I began my journey at Walden in 2012, I never imagined what the experience would entail now that it is ending.  It has been a life changing experience. I am extremely grateful to Walden for the opportunity to study with colleagues globally and that alone has been extraordinary. Although I have experienced much adversity and personal losses during this process; this has definitely been time well spent.  From this program:
1.     I have learned a great deal about who I am as a person, educator, and leader.

2.      Personally, I have matured in my way of thinking as it relates to issues and trends affecting children and families in the early childhood field.

3.     Professionally, I learned what advocacy is really about and have a clearer understanding of my role as advocate in the early childhood field going forward. 
A long-term goal is to follow through with opening and operating the Look Again Organization that my husband and I started 4 years ago. The organization is to provide parent and family education and support for the at risk families in our local community and statewide. It has not developed beyond articles of incorporation and establishing the board. I can now shift my focus back to obtaining a 501C 3 non-profit status.
I would like to thank my colleagues who have made the experience richer in so many ways. I appreciate the new perspectives acquired through the discussions posts and blogs that will have a lasting impact on my professional career. I wish the best for each of you as you continue to operate in your passion of improving the lives of children and families. Feel free to contact me at
God Bless!
I would like to thank you Dr. Dartt for your helpful feedback and the motivational weekly newsletters.


  1. Audrey,

    Thank you for your comments, posts, and insights through the course. I wish you many success in your professional career. I know you will be a great asset to the early childhood field. I pray that you are able to accomplish your goals, dreams, and desires. You did it!


  2. Audrey,
    Thank you for your wisdom and encouragement throughout our coursework. Thank you for encouraging me during our research course. I only made it through that one by the grace of God! :-) I wish you the best of luck in all you do. God Bless you!

  3. Audrey those news letters were the best. I too appreciate them. And I appreciate you for being a part of my learning experience. Thanks ans so long for now, we will meet.
