Saturday, March 23, 2013

Research that benefit children and families

A couple of years ago I attended a tri-county cluster meeting of Head Start teachers and Kindergarten teachers who shared results of a collaborative study concerning inappropriate behaviors of current children who had attended Head Start to determine possible link between the two. The study was conducted in a number of kindergarten classrooms. Parents, head start mental health and education specialist, teachers, and children who distributed behaviors were participants in the study.  Children were talked with in informal setting with question, “why do you feel sad or angry while at school.” Data was collected and analyzed with results overwhelmingly stating, “I can’t play in centers, or I can’t play with toys” or responses that were similar. In the study parents addressed frustration of being called by the teachers repeatedly. The approach expanded to include additional kindergarten classrooms within the three counties and similar behaviors and results were found that there was a link. I'm not sure what if any changes occurred as a result of the study. I thought about the story when reading blog assignment.
It must be difficult for some children to transition from play environments to very structural direct instruction.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

My Personal Research Journey

The topic I chose for the simulation was evidenced-based science on how children grow and develop.  I understand that this topic encompass many variables. It was chosen because I want to increase my knowledge in this area that is profoundly impacting the direction of early childhood education.  As a Head Start teacher, it is always my endeavor to do the best for the children and their families that I have the opportunity to serve every year.  It is important to prepare my four year olds for school and hopefully life success.
Personally, having the ability to share knowledge that might benefit my community will be rewarding. Also, the work and commitment entailed in understanding how to research will be valuable to me. Reading the articles that show how to analyze research information has been a learning experience. Also, creating the research chart and learning new terms is opening a different avenue to learn how to Of course, reading discussion post is always helpful.
I welcome any insights and resources from colleagues that might assist me in navigating and learning from this course and research simulation.  Likewise, I will share information and resources with you.