Saturday, November 24, 2012

My Connection to Play

Two Quotes that summarize what play represented for me in childhood:
“When we treat children's play as seriously as it deserves, we are helping them feel the joy that's to be found in the creative spirit. It's the things we play with and the people who help us play that make a great difference in our lives.”
Fred Rogers
 “Children need the freedom and time to play. Play is not a luxury. Play is a necessity.”
Kay Redfield Jamison professor of psychiatry
 Essential play items for my younger self

Sheer Joy! dressing up in Grandma's clothes and pretending to be adults.
Thanks Granddaddy for the swing you created on the pecan tree
I feel play is different in the fact that media technology and gadgets are a huge part of children lives today and hampers children opportunity to play. Children are not as active today as they were when I was young. I participated in a lot of outdoor play in tag, hide and seek, digging in dirt, making mud pies, swinging on the tire or simply running around the front yard. It is my hope that children always have real opportunities to fully engage and learn through what comes natural and that is play. I remember looking forward every day to playing with the cousins that came to Grandma and Granddaddy’s house. 
 The role of play throughout my childhood taught me the value of sharing and taking turns. It also helped me build self-confidence through exploring and figuring out things.  As an adult, I appreciate simple things and take nothing for granted and carry lessons learned from the people I played with who help made me the person that I am.


Saturday, November 10, 2012

Relationships Reflection

Relationships are important in maintaining good mental and physical health. They have to be cherished and nurtured so they continue to grow and flourish.  Through all the hustle and bustle of life, it can be challenging accomplishing that task. Within relationships there has to be acceptance, respect, and a whole lot of forgiveness and letting things go.
My husband, my high school sweetheart:
We met during our junior year in high school 41 years ago in home room. As we got to know each other, we had a lot in common. We dated throughout our senior year and married two years later. He remains my friend, my strong arm, and supporter. We have 2 daughters and 3 grandchildren.
My daughters:
My daughters and I are very close. We talk or text on the phone every day.  They moved two hours away a couple of years ago and it was difficult adjustment for me not seeing them on a weekly basis.  All holidays and special church events we get together.
They are the real joy of my life. I watched them come into the world, and I can’t really explain the special love that my heart holds for these three special people. They are truly a blessing.
I met Regina when she began attending our church many years ago. We connected immediately, I think partly because we were both pregnant at the same time and both of our babies were born in December. She has been a constant friend always there when I need her and vice versa.
These relationships/partnerships has helped me in my professional life in being committed to the cause of making a difference in the life of children and families. I strive every day to walk in honesty and acceptance.